A new Nepali short video has been uploaded on YouTube. The short video carries a very sensitive topic related to our society.people think that going abroad will solve all problems and they will earn a lot of money. They take loan and go abroad but many have to return back because of various reasons. The short movie with title ‘Baisako Lutera’ is about a girl who has a face a lot of things because of the same reasons. In the short movie the son of a rich man of a village is looking for a girl who took loan from him but still has not paid him back. His followers on the other hand say that she is very beautiful and he can marry her instead. They see her and the man treats her very badly and makes her beg. He even pours beer on her body and pulls her hair. But at the end he gives her a time of a week to either give his money back or he will use her body. After a week he goes to her house and as soon as he finds that she does not have any money, he carries her takes her to a place and starts to molest her. But at the same time his wife comes and $colds him because she is fed up with him r@ping women every day. He goes away where as the girl cried and apologizes that she can not pay the money.