Renowned artist Hari Bansha Acharya established statue of his wife Mira Acharya known as Mira center. "Mira center" was established in the loving memory of his wife Mira Acharya who passed away 4 years ago. Mira Acharya, a radio anchor of Radio Nepal and wife of renowned comedian Hari Bansha Acharya died at the age of 46. Mira and Hari Bamsha have two sons Trilok Achary and Mohit Bamsha Acharya. Mohit is going to act in leading role in his debut movie "Maya ko Bari". Mira Acharya; wife of one of Nepal’s most popular figure Hari Bansha passed away last week after a sudden heart attack. Mira died at the age of 46 and had suffered from a long-term illness for a while. Mrs Acharya was a radio anchor and married Hari Bansha in 2040..