
Wife Jumps Into the Well to Save Husband

11:11 PM

A man commits suicide by jumping into the well but as soon as he jumped his wife also jumped in the well save his husband’s life. Unfortunately both of them have lost their lives. It is said that the couple had got married just a couple of months ago. The two were working in their field and when the husband went to fix the water pipe in the well, he fall into it and he could not breathe inside. He was asking for the help and screaming aloud. When his wife learned about it she came running towards the well. She just could not think anything. She also cried for help but there were no people around to help them. The woman was really scared and she had no idea and she was totally blank therefore she just jumped into the well where her husband was crying for the help. Both of them died inside the well because of suffocation.This was truly an amazing as the couple who had promised to be with each other I every step of their life need their life in the same place. They succeed to keep their wedding vows and the wife didn’t let her husband die alone. Their love is absolutely an outstanding example to all. However the girl committed suicide when she was sure that her husband is going to die but ending her life was not obviously a right decision. Some people think of giving up their life for not being able to face the difficulties time.

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